Foods and substances in foods that help animals and plants to grow and stay healthy. Nutrition includes behaviors and social factors related to food choices.
Substances that provide the nourishment essential for growth and the maintenance of life. The 7 nutrients are:
- Carbohydrates
- Proteins
- Fats
- Vitamins
- Minerals
- Dietary fiber
- Water
A substance taken to remedy the deficiencies in a person’s diet or to enhance various vitamins, antioxidants, and other molecular networks the body relies on to function.
Most of us know that eating a nutritious diet is necessary for health and development. It’s important to understand that getting enough nutrients from your food becomes more challenging as you get older. While older appetites decrease, the body’s ability to absorb nutrients decreases as well – so you’re not only eating less, you’re getting less from what you eat.
However, these days – more than ever – everyone, not just older adults, should prioritize health and wellness and maximize nutritional intake. Having a balanced, healthy eating pattern that includes fresh foods, lean proteins, unprocessed, low-sodium foods instead of the high-fat, processed, nutrient-poor fast food fallbacks many of us choose in our modern, fast-paced jobs and world is one of the steps to optimizing health.
Unlike centuries that came before ours, we live in an era influenced by science and technology. That has resulted in a multitude of supplements that can provide the nutrients we’re lacking or enhance various systems, processes, and functions related to essential nutrition. Supplements are an efficient means and another necessary step to complement what we miss in our diets.
In fact – supplements like Max’s nutritionals can provide additional support that deliver maximum benefits for better overall health and immune function. Through our highly-principled research and science, our product engineers developed groundbreaking technology we call Riboceine™. RiboCeine is the world’s most innovative and effective way to raise our body’s Glutathione levels. Glutathione is widely known as the body’s best defense against oxidative stress that causes disease and even death. Learn more here
With total focus on creating a supplement that delivers outstanding benefits, our science team created Cellgevity™. Cellgevity™ is an exceptional formula and supplement for achieving better total body and immune wellness along with some nutrients essential to balanced and better health.
Using helpful supplements like Cellgevity not only boosts your glutathione levels for a strengthened immune system, it helps provide useful nutrients for your body. It’s scientifically proven and it’s only available from Max. Stay healthy long into your life and age with Cellgevity™. It’s one of the most important ways you can choose to boost overall nutrition.